Monday 2 January 2012

Friends From The Past

Hello! It's already 2012, once again HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

Well I spent my New Year's Eve with K, A and H at a nice party in a bar in Zamalek. At first we were shocked to find so many kids but then it was too late for us to go anywhere else and we vowed we're going to have fun no matter what! And so we did! We enjoyed every minute of it; and before leaving the place, we passed by another bar close to it to wish our good friend "S" the bar tender a happy new year! It was so random, the 4 of us just walked into the bar, said hello to S and left the same minute, people were like what the hell? Haha. After that, we after partied in a place in Maadi, but let us just say that I should be more careful next time *hides.*

Now, guess what we did the next day? We had a Herring (Renga) meal! A made me and K some yummy Herring mixed with tomatoes, tehina, onions and a twist of lemon.

It may look unappealing but trust me the taste was delicious! We had alongside of that spring onions (basal akhdar) and it's easy to conclude that I had bad breathe for 2 days straight. Good thing I am not dating anyone at the moment :D

About Friends From The Past

You know how time and distance makes u lose track of good old friends from the past? This is quiet sad actually because these are your truest friends. They know u from core to surface. And now good old friends have somehow transformed into friends on your facebook list whom u never speak to and rarely ever check their profiles. You even chose not to post on their walls or send them private message because you've been away for so long that you don't know where to start, and there is this buried shame inside of you that you can not get rid of but it keeps growing and shockingly instead of it being the drive for u to speak up, it pushes you further away.

I realized this just last night when I had a little chat with one of my good old friends Ahmed Ayyash. What had happened? He is the same old interesting person, who has so much love and passion inside his heart. Why did we lose touch? I mean if I hadn't known Ayyash I'd have definitely wanted to be his friend if I met him somewhere. We had a fun conversation, I must say I wasn't in my best shape last night but just by talking to him and even though he lives miles apart I felt his hand tap on my shoulder and heard his voice assuring me that everything was going to be ok.

I mean look at the photo above, without saying a word (and that was at the very beginning of the conversation) he immediately sensed that I was not ok. Who can know or feel that if it weren't someone from very close to you? Someone you grew up with, who knows u inside out. Someone who was around u during the times of innocence, where nobody really  wanted anything from anybody except true friendship. *Sigh* I know we live in a fast world, but is it really that fast that we have no time to look back for a second and remember our friends from the past? Shame.

How confidence boosting was our chat, how mood lifting, how spirit inspiring! People from your past know what you used to dream of, they know your talents, they simply believe in you and they become so proud every time you step foot towards something you've always wanted to do, in my case: singing. Thank you Ayyash for this. And thanks a million more times for not being anything close to bitter while chatting to me, given it has been years since we last spoke. Thank you for not blaming me or pointing fingers at me. Thank you for being so warm and welcoming. You made me feel like I was sipping coffee with you just a few days ago.

To all my friends back in AD, Jermine, Amira, Malaak, Nahed, Rawan, Khaled, Dinah and I know I'll forget names but u know who u are and u know what u mean to me. I miss u all so much. And I would like us to keep in touch more often. And to all my friends in Egypt as well, and all around the world if u are reading this, come on drop me a line! I'll be so happy to hear from you. 

And before I go, here's a heartfelt thank you, to all my friends. Sometimes God takes away things and replaces them with even better things. And whether I've known u for years or just recently, you've been such faithful friends. Each and every one of you contributed to my own personal growth. Thank u for making hard times seem easier, I don't know what I'd have done without you. I only wish to be as helpful as you've been to me. Thank God for 
good friends and thank u for being part of my life, please don't disappear.

Lots of love,


Thursday 29 December 2011

Remember What Makes You Happy

Happy New Year Everybody!

I know 2011 has not been easy, so much has happened. But all we gotta do is wish and hope for the best in 2012.

I've decided. Everyday I must remind myself of the things that make me happy, because that way I will be able to BE the happy, positive person I want to be. We are all blessed, and we all have millions of things that inspire us surrounding us; however, sometimes we get too caught up that we don't see them. And when something bad happens to us, we don't remember what makes us happy and we hide inside our bubble of darkness. This is why I've decided to remind myself of the blessings I have in my life, thank you God I've got so many and in this post I will support them by photos. It is worthy to mention that I was inspired to start blogging by 2 people, 1st by my all-time favorite childhood buddy and life coach: Khaled Ghorab.

This person is a walking inspiration! You have no idea how he worked on himself to reach the person he is today, if you had met Khaled like 10 years ago you'd never believe that he's the same person. He spreads positivity all around and he's got this charm that touches everyone he sees or speaks to. He has helped me through a lot and has been nothing but caring, loving and helpful. I don't know what I'd have done without you in my life. I've seen myself transform into a better person because of you, all those advices and life coaching you've given me have finally paid off! God you mean the world to me and I miss you so much.When I am down, all it takes is a small chat with Khaled and my life is rosy again, it's that simple believe me. He seems to find away to turn even the darkest moments into the most productive ones! He keeps telling me "I think and believe that all this is happening to you for a very good reason and beyond that reason there is the faith that you're the ONLY ONE who can handle it and become stronger from it."  And it all makes sense to me. Khaled sees difficult times as opportunities for us to remind ourselves of what we are grateful for and start doing the things which have worked for us for such a long time. He also believes that it's a time where we should all reward ourselves! It's a time to learn how to inspire and motivate ourselves! A time to get up and dust off the dust people! So what are you waiting for you? Go on and do the same! =)
Khaled, I thank God you are in my life. I love you endlessly.

The second person who inspired me to start blogging was Heba Mitkees. She was my colleague during University and it's heartbreaking to say that she passed away early Sunday morning. She lost her battle with cancer after months of fighting it. We weren't close but she was a beautiful young woman filled with life, she had a strong point of view, she was sharp, smart and knowledgeable. Everyone wanted to be her friend.

I was amazed by her ability to be so open about her journey with the disease. I read her entire blog and this is when I was so eager to start writing myself. She wanted to help people be more aware and I too want to share experiences that may be of use to others. Here's a link to Heba's blog:

It's just so very informative and useful to cancer carriers and anyone who wants to know more about it. Thank you for this beautiful Heba, I am certain that you are looking down upon us with a smile on your face, I know that you are in a better place, I know that you are safe, happy, healthy and content. My deepest condolences to all your friends and to your sweet mother. I met her for the first time at the funeral yesterday, you look so much like her. I also took her number to call her and visit her every once in a while.

We will meet soon, all of us.

So, yesterday I started taking photos of the things that make me happy. So let's check them out. 

I had a cinnabon which I was dying for for days! Of course I had a minibon because I am trying to lose weight and it's worthy to mention that I ate it really slow and tried to enjoy every bite so I can indulge in the taste and also to feel full. This advice has been given to me by many and it actually works! Thank God for yummy cinnabons =)

I then met one of my good friends Nazmy, him being around makes life easier. He is such a good friend and is always there even though he is not going through the best times himself but it's always nice to know that we have each other. Thank you Nazmy! 

The photo below is Blue Lounge, a very nice cafe/restaurant in the 6th of October. I just love this place, they have these heaters to keep us warm in this cold winter and they have an indoor area as well. But it is great to sit outside near the heaters and enjoy a delicious hot meal and have the BEST and I mean the BEST cup of tea EVER. You never find a good cup of tea ANYWHERE outside your house, but this one is just so home-made, it's is a cup of sweet steamy tea with mint YUMMO! So all in all, this place has great food, great tea, a warm atmosphere and even good music! And best of all it is close to my home. I love Blue Lounge, thanks to my x bf and friend Ramy Farag for introducing me to it.

Asmaa, my newest close girl friend. She has gone through the worst times and yet she is alive and well. I sincerely admire her strength, I actually learn from her. She stood by me and still is I just feel like she's the sister I never had. I have bad history with girls, I mean I don't easily make friends with girls here in Egypt especially, maybe because I have a mind of my own. I'm like a bird, free an independent and I don't have these girl "3o2ad." But Asmaa and I have so much in common. I can tell her anything, I can count on her always and it feels great to know that there is someone out there who can tolerate me in my worst times. I love you Samsoosy! (She hates that name :D) I also thank Asmaa for introducing me to Khuloud who is our 3rd musketeer! The 3 of us make a great team, or better yet, a great family. We spend so much time together and ever since we start doing so, I never feel alone =)

Finally, I'd like to express how proud I am of my younger brother Ahmad who until now lost 12 kilos in a month and still working on reaching his ideal weight! You taught me that anything is possible broey. You did it! <3 

Well these were some of the things that make me happy everyday in my life, more happy things very soon =)

Happy new year everyone!